DALL-E Prompt: generate some abstract shapes that represent programming languages. Do one for Rust, Kotlin, and Elixir

First post

- 2 min read

Who am I?

I’m Brandon. If you’d like you can take a look at my resume to see some stuff I’ve done.


  • Hardware background in school/internships
  • Google work all over the place (dist proc, systems/OS, apps, large scale distributed applications…same as most folks who hav worked there)
  • Microsoft work in Windows
  • Hobbies and code!
  • Japanese speaker.

What is this page for?

I have tons of thoughts and thought maybe I should write them down in case I forget or they might be useful to someone. Others do it for me and it’s about time I do it for them.

This is also a front end playground for stuff when I feel like fiddling with that.

Why blog?

Just to share thoughts and ideas, keep track of things I learned, get yelled at on the internet.


Share, learn, love.

Why Astro?

I can make a static site that is easy and doesn’t require a database or CMS, experiment with various front end technologies, and write in markdown to get stuff out easily (after setting up styles one time I hope).


can embed various frameworks, can write experiment code or code to make a point.


Here’s a timer I—like—just threw together right now (I am NOT a front end dev, so I did consult the docs and chatGPT).

import { createSignal, createEffect } from "solid-js";

export const Timer = () => {
  let [time, setTime] = createSignal(0);
  let [running, setRunning] = createSignal(true);

  let interval: NodeJS.Timeout;
  createEffect(() => {
    if (running()) {
      interval = setInterval(() => {
        setTime((prev) => prev + 1);
      }, 100); // Update every 100ms (1/10th of a second)
    } else {
      return clearInterval(interval);

  const buttonStyle =
    "px-2 py-1 text-blue-600 bg-gray-200 rounded border-solid border-black border-opacity-75";
  return (
      <p>Time: {time() / 10} seconds</p>
      <ul class="space-x-2">
        <button class={buttonStyle} onClick={() => setRunning(true)}>
        <button class={buttonStyle} onClick={() => setRunning(false)}>
        <button class={buttonStyle} onClick={() => setTime(0)}>


can write most of the blog posts (like this one!) in simple MD(X)

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